Tuesday, November 15, 2016

                                   Animal Abuse

         Greetings humans of earth.  Many of our dogs (and other animals) are being taken for animal testing.  Animal testing is where animals are being forced to breath in toxic chemicals so we can study their behavoir patterns. In many ways this is wrong.  One way is if the animals don’t meet the criteria, they will kill them.  Killing innocent animals is just one thing they do. Animals are being abused around the world.  They are used for makeup testing, cleaning product testing and so much more! Animals are also being captured and sent into zoos.  It’s really sad.


  1. Animal are being abused around the world. It should be Animals, since there are multiple and when you wrote, Animas are also being captured to be placed into zoos. You forgot the L at the end of animals.
    But great story!

  2. cool story but I think you should make the following changes

    -(One way is if the animals don’t meet the criteria, they will kill them.) to One way is that if the animal do not meet the criteria, they will kill them

    -(They are used for makeup product testing, cleaning product testing and so much more!) to They are used for testing makeup, cleaning product and so much more!

    -(Animas are also being captured to be placed into zoos) to They are also being captured and sent to zoos
